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Science Communication Resources

Nov 2021: "Leveraging community partnerships for meaningful outreach"

Check out the WERC Seminar next week, November 17 as speaker Betsi Oliver from the Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council. Although we know that community engagement is important for successful science outreach, it can be confusing to know how to start. This skills-oriented session covers the basics of establishing multi-partner collaborations for science communication: why it matters and what mindset makes it successful. It will provide concrete tools and language for initiating community relationships – preempting some of the barriers to success. Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting

April 2021: “Outreach is the melding of science communication and education, used to educate those outside of the scientific community and to generate public interest, appreciation, and understanding of science.” 

That definition feels broad, but it’s supposed to! Outreach isn’t just one thing: it’s teaching a class at a local school, delivering a public lecture, holding a demonstration, organizing a citizen science initiative, writing a blog post or op-ed, creating a website, or sharing on social media. Outreach is a diverse collection of activities and strategies that scientists and educators can utilize to communicate with their communities.

Click on the button below to read some blogs written by a summer fellow in my lab, Philina Richardson, about science communication. 

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